Matilda's Whois is a professional domain name whois query script written to allow visitors to a website to quickly and reliably check the status of almost any top level domain. Many websites are already using this script for their whois lookups, why don't you?
This script also contains a fully configurable and customizable template system where by the script can seemlessly integrate into the existing website, bundle this with the ability to query about 270 different top level domains and the quality of a commercial product shows exactly why Matilda's Whois is being used by more web sites every single day!
There have been quite a few changes to Matilda's Whois recently involving a few movements within the template system meaning that any existing templates will require a bit of a "juggle" (email me for help on this!), so other templates that can be used are available for download just below, simply extract them into a sub-directory in the same directory as the main script (either mwhois.cgi or mwhois.php). There is an administration script included for (hopefully) easy configuration of the various sections. Both versions of the script come bundles and configured with the default english templates.
Download the
latest PHP version of Matilda's Whois (tar.gz) (ZIP)
Download the
latest Perl version of Matilda's Whois (tar.gz) (ZIP)