14th Mar, 2023 @ 11:56 | I've updated the servers.lst file with an update for the .se TLD. For those who don't know, this relates to Matilda's Whois. | | 27th Feb, 2023 @ 19:39 | Updates! MWhois has had various servers.lst changes, download the new servers.lst whois file here. Also, a new mweather version has been released - 0.6.0 - which should make retrieval of weather METAR data more efficient. | | 3rd Nov, 2022 @ 20:35 |
A big thanks to Vanilla Circus for their generous offer of hosting and content creation. Lots of people offered to host the site for free, and I'd like to say a big thank you to everybody who did. I'm still planning on a redesign and redevelopment of the site (based on Drupal) but I haven't managed to finish it off yet due to personal commitments (in other words, I suck!). | | 11th May, 2022 @ 23:04 | A call of help! Long story short my hosting provider (who shall rename nameless) was shoddy - lots of emails were going astray and I got very little for my money. So I'm now looking for a new hosting provider, if you think you can help then please drop me a line. I don't use much in terms of disk space or bandwidth (not compared to most sites!), but it would be helpful to have things like a mailing list, Perl (preferably mod_perl) and PHP support, plus a database (PostgreSQL or MySQL are fine). Once this is sorted out I am going to start on the new site! (I know what you're thinking, when Duke Nukem Forever is released!) | | 3rd Mar, 2022 @ 09:10 | A quick update regarding MWhois. Firstly, I've updated the servers.lst file to include the .eu TLD and possibly several others fairly recently. The other thing is regarding MWhois2 - I doubt it's going to be released as MWhois2 for various reasons. It's far more likely to be released as a commercial script. However, testing is still important so if you'd like a free copy and do some bug reporting and testing then get in touch (Matilda AT mattsscripts.co.uk . | | 15th Feb, 2022 @ 20:56 | MWhois2?!! That's right folks, I've finally found some spare time to write a new version of Matilda's Whois. At the moment it's Perl only and uses Net::Whois::Raw for the whois lookups. It's still in a beta stage at the moment, but I'm fairly confident it's stable and provides at least the same functionality as the previous version. If anybody would like to test the new version then please send me an email to Matilda AT Matildasscripts DOT co DOT uk and I'll send you the code along with some instructions on its use. | | | |
